Thursday, 21 January 2010

A Pool That's Black

Tomorrow I return home to the mighty Blackpool.
I can't tell you how pleased I am...
I joke.
I'll be glad to see everyone and I'm looking forward to having a destructive night at Warehouse on Friday.
It's funny, I typed in Google to try and find a picture of sunny Bpool when this dazzling image appeared not far down the list. I'm struggling to work out which angle this guy's lying at. I think he's on some stairs.
More importantly why has someone taken a picture of this man rather than ask if he's ok? Who knows.
By the lack of socks I can only assume that he's a 'holiday' maker, making the most of the North's capital of comfy stairs. Obviously.
He also looks very shocked. Bad/naughty dream perhaps? We can only guess.
The wine bottle behind him. Is this his? This man may have been date-raped and has no recollection of the night prior to this snap-shot. The culprit might have used the bottle as a decoy. Making it look like he's just really drunk.
The bottle also has no label on it. Moonshine maybe? Again, Who knows.
I'd like to think the guy's alive and well. Blackpool has a tendency to eat people up...
Looking at it more in an architectural sense, which may sound a tad strange, the stair depth compared to the tread is extremely out of proportion. I'm speaking cynically because I hate stairs like that. They demand way too much effort to climb (maybe even 2 strides per actual step). Bastards.

Anyway, that's it.

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