Sunday, 31 January 2010


The Inevitable

Of course, our new flat was only temporary. It was nice of them to wait until thursday morning to tell us.

After much negotiation, it turns out we have to move. No doubt about it. Our current flat is reserved for some tropical medicine dicks. Thanks for kicking us out of our flat and splitting us up for a month only to be living with complete strangers.

That'll definitely make my course/life run more smoothly.

Embracing the fact of relocation, we headed to the reception to ask what the arrangements were. I would be moved t Opal Court luckily just down the road. As for Louise, Katie and Linden, a nice 40 minute journey away from town seems like the most suitable idea. At least they'll be together. James will commute from Manchester for 4 weeks.

Lady at reception:

"So whens the easiest time to move for you Joseph?"


"Erm, considering I'm home this weekend, probably Sunday will be best."

Lady at reception:

"Okay, that's fine"

I spent all weekend worrying about moving in to a new flat full of strangers. Would they be dicks? Would they be sound?

I got an early train home on the Sunday (today) to give me enough time to move everything i owned.

I turned up at reception, and was there anyone there?


I've gone down and knocked 4 times now. Still no reply.

I tried ringing them, but no answer.

What the hell am I meant to do?

Move myself?

This has definitely gone too far. I have my review on tuesday and lectures all day tomorrow. I can't move until wednesday at this rate. Serves them right for being such unorganized cunts about it.

As this is all going on, the bastards who started the fucking fire all have rooms in Great Newton Hall.

If this isn't a play of the race card I don't know what is.

So what do I do now? Im literally sat in my bare room with everything packed up and ready to go, whilst some lazy shit of a security guard is off having a wank in the toilet.

Do they expect me to have organized taxi's and lifts to my new room when they blatantly wrote that they would cover everything in the stupid fucking letter they sent us.


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Standard Weekend in Flat 63

You probably already know by now (because I've probably told you) that my blessed flat at Great Newton Hall 'burnt down' on the weekend of the 23rd. By burned down, I really mean trashed by the unruly firemen. I was left with one big plate, no bowls, no pans, no cutlery and no cups. Luckily this was because they were net to sink where most of the destruction took place, air-go I didn't have to do the washing up. Standard. With the frustration of finding the living room and kitchen completely fucked beyond belief, we were then informed we were to be moved upstairs into an identical flat. Hurrah! You may have thought. No my friend. Hauling almost all my life out of my perfectly undamaged room into an exact replica of my room just up one floor was not something I would shout hurrah! about.
It took the best part of an afternoon, considering I had to come home early on the sunday. Come 6/7pm I was pretty much finished. I had minimal food. My pasta reserves were gone, and the only thing to drink being tap water, we decided to head out to get drinks and food. If you can't get fucked after your flat just burned down, what can you do? We didn't get drunk. I had a pizza that had mint/tomato sauce on it which was actually grim and I thought strongbow would be a class idea...
After an eventful day in flat 63 and now 65 I thought it best to hit the hay and hope to wake up in a few days.
I didn't go to lectures next day as I was 'gathering stuff from my old flat'.

2 days passed, no word on any compensation for our kitchen stuff or anything. Linden bumps into the girls who also got moved above us (as they had no floor to their kitchen), they tell her that we're getting moved again to a new flat. Whether its in Great Newton Hall or not is yet to be decided, along with whether we're all going to be together in the new flat. This was all due to foreign medical students 'needing' our new flat. Alright then...
As a flat we shared the same emotion, and each agreed - fuck that.

We paid for Great Newton Hall, we're getting Great Newton Hall. I'm not being split up with my flat. PLUS if they moved us into a new building that's going to take cars/vans to move our stuff. I am certainly not going to pay for that to happen.

The management have spoken:
'If you want you can come down to reception and share you're opinions'

There aren't any opinions, just certainty. We ain't movin' bitch.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

I flippin' love the toddla.

Tom Bell you God.

A Pool That's Black

Tomorrow I return home to the mighty Blackpool.
I can't tell you how pleased I am...
I joke.
I'll be glad to see everyone and I'm looking forward to having a destructive night at Warehouse on Friday.
It's funny, I typed in Google to try and find a picture of sunny Bpool when this dazzling image appeared not far down the list. I'm struggling to work out which angle this guy's lying at. I think he's on some stairs.
More importantly why has someone taken a picture of this man rather than ask if he's ok? Who knows.
By the lack of socks I can only assume that he's a 'holiday' maker, making the most of the North's capital of comfy stairs. Obviously.
He also looks very shocked. Bad/naughty dream perhaps? We can only guess.
The wine bottle behind him. Is this his? This man may have been date-raped and has no recollection of the night prior to this snap-shot. The culprit might have used the bottle as a decoy. Making it look like he's just really drunk.
The bottle also has no label on it. Moonshine maybe? Again, Who knows.
I'd like to think the guy's alive and well. Blackpool has a tendency to eat people up...
Looking at it more in an architectural sense, which may sound a tad strange, the stair depth compared to the tread is extremely out of proportion. I'm speaking cynically because I hate stairs like that. They demand way too much effort to climb (maybe even 2 strides per actual step). Bastards.

Anyway, that's it.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Whiteread Pt. 2

With my trip to the library undertaken and the Whiteread section empty, I feel I have enough books to keep me going on my quest. I figured out after getting home that each of these books (bar one) contain the same images of her work. Great. Nonetheless I was pleased to have captured the books before some other cretin doing the same artist nabbed them first.

'Keep in mind there are only a few books in the library and there are quite a few of you doing the same artist, so remember to share the books equally' - morel.


Anyway I think I've got enough information to keep my busy until 4.45pm (Avatar).

Cya in another life brotha

Rachel Whiteread

Some classy work from Rachel Whiteread

Monday, 18 January 2010

Worlds most expensive ham

Can you believe the price of this produce? Me neither.
Ham should never be that expensive, and after reading the article on the bbc news website, I'm still confused as to why someone would want to pay £1,800 to eat an acorn tasting, root smelling, 3 year old piece of cured ham? Could you actually be arsed?
Personally 3 years is way too long for any meat to be matured. I mean just looking at the picture makes me want to chuck.
It's green for fucks sake!
Anyway, the article is on the bbc website below.
Make of it what you will.

Chuck Norris

During my 3 hour gap which was meant to be filled with lectures, I found myself browsing the internet not for architectural purposes, but for absolutely no reason what so ever.
I remembered a quote someone once told me (or I just saw it somewhere) that mentioned Chuck Norris. I typed said criteria into trusty Google and up came the best website in the world.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I'm pleased to see that has a whole section dedicated to mexican-style fonts.
Above showing a selection.

Everyone ride her...

just like a bus route

Thank you Jay-Z

This is mint

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Beach Pt. 2

This song pretty much sums it up.

The Beach

I just finished watching The Beach for the third time to date. I managed to get all the way through it this time rather than getting up to the bit when Richard finds that guy from Trainspotting dead in his room.
Saying it was a 'very good' film would be a slight exaggeration, maybe interesting would be more appropriate. With the story line second to that of The Sims 2 Castaway for DS but with an obviously darker outcome, Danny Boyle continues to fascinate me.
After being engrossed in it since 9pm, that's what, almost 3 hours ago now, and I can't help but feel slightly 'moved'. Ha. Nah. I think watching something that turns from paradise to hell, I can sort of (and I mean this) relate it to certain everyday situations. Maybe not the 'paradise' side of it, but definitely in the same ball park. Just how wrong can you be.
I think I'll stay up for a while now considering the heaviness of the past few hours, sleep can take a back seat.

Chase & F*cking Status. (aka.IthinkIlikedubstep&drum&bass)

A short scenario that annoys me still, to the day.
(Keep in mind that a variety of music had been playing for at least 3 hours and the time was around 11pm).

Stranger at friends house: 'Alright mate, [hearing the current song being played] you like dubstep?'

Me: 'Erm, yeah It's good, I like it.' (or something along those lines)

Stranger at friends house: 'Have you heard of Chase and Status?'

Me: :|

This was then followed by the their discography and needless to say, this wrapped up the evening.

Cheers mate.

I actually hate...

I'd like to say he's minimal as I enjoy a dash of minimal here and there, in fact he probably is, but there's something else I can't quite put my finger on that I despise about his music.
I know he plays Chibuku quite often, but that does not mean I should like him.
Listen to 'Payamber' for instance.
What am I listening to?
All I can hear is some bloke moaning over the top of the annoyingly pounding rhythm, and as for the music behind it, it's something I'd expect to find in some far-eastern underground crack den.
If you like him, kindly fuck off.

Really Mexican stuff número 1

A mexican hat wearing a mexican hat.
Could it be any more ethnic? (Slightly un-PC)
Horacio would strongly agree.

Hey! I'm no square...

Bumped into this today taking pictures of sights for a building reflecting the work of Rachel Whiteread.
Compelling stuff.

Breakfast, or just straight-up lunch?

With it being 13.05 in the afternoon and me not having had anything to eat since I woke about an hour ago, I'm confused as to which meal I should tend to. If I have breakfast this would delay my lunch window and air-go having my tea way too late.
I'm 75% willing to just go for lunch and screw breakfast over.
I have 3 chicago town deep-dishes in the freezer, some wedges and beans.
It's lunch time.